Question: John Paul Getty was once the richest man in the world. How much money did he leave when he died? Answer: All of it!
Dear Readers,
Everyone has treasures. It is an essential part of what it is to be human. To be human is to have treasures. They are our special considerations, to have them pried into is an intrusion; to have them taken away is degrading. They are connected to our spirit and our will, and a main part of intimacy with another person is the sharing of treasures and the creation of mutual treasures.
No one is without their treasures. I'm finding many of mine now, as we pack to move. Some of them are treasures, such as the china and silver we have, which may really be treasures. Other things, the girls' artwork ( and their messes) or Jennifer's "sanctuary" near the computer (and her messes ) would be worthless to others. So these are not so much my treasures, as they are my treasurings. They are not just physical goods, they are my dreams and memories, and the fundamental parts of my soul. They relate precisely how I live in the world right now, but they also impact the extent toward which I can live focused on the eternal realm.
Jesus tells (present tense) us that is is not a smart treasuring strategy to treasure the things on this earth. This could be very depressing, if there were no alternative. We invest in our jobs, our houses, our friends and family. We also care for the rich, beautiful world itself, of which all these things are a part. Some of these things, surely, are a portion of what God also treasures. Yet all of these things, everything and everyone I value, will one day pass away. I cannot but serve my treasures, so what will I do when they have all gone? Cannot I somehow, deter thieves, protect against rust, hang up a bug-zapper for the moths? Must it all be vanity?
The extent of my investment knowledge should impress you: I know that when stocks are high they will be more expensive, and when stocks are low they will be less expensive. Jesus' investment strategy is for me to "lay up for yourself treasures in heaven...", and he tells me "where your treasure is there your heart will be also."
Perhaps we can treasure this world and the invisible, eternal world as well. Perhaps we can serve both. Perhaps my heart can be in two places. Perhaps there will come a time when Scotty can beam me up. Scientists are already telling us electrons can inhabit two positions at one time. Perhaps we can make our heart be in two places, for a while. But there will come a time when one of our treasures must be subordinate to the other. Can I serve God and things of the earth? Their requirements conflict so easily and often.
It is vanity to seek after perishing riches and to trust in them. It is vanity to hunt after honors and to climb to high degrees. It is vanity to mind only this present life, and yet be careless to live it well. It is vanity to set your love upon those things which so speedily pass away.
If Jesus tells me I cannot serve both God and mammon, and the first of the commandments says, "You shall have no gods who take priority over me?", then why am I packing all these boxes?
Your movable, flexible, ever-tolerant, Apatheist, ~Bill
P.S. This post seems as disjointed as my piles of boxes. As always, my efforts may simply be so much striving with the wind
That's not how you're supposed to make meatloaf!
14 years ago
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